Arrest After Visa Fraud

Arrests After Fraud Claims By US Embassy 

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Arrests After Fraud Claims By US Embassy

Arrest After Visa Fraud, Immigration agents from India were arrested after The US Embassy, New Delhi informed the local police that, they had attempted to obtain visas using fraudulent documents.

The USA Embassy Warns From Using Fraudulent Documents.

As per initial investigation those agents had assisted the visa applicants to get fake work experience letters and deposit funds required as a proof of available finances for the visa applications. The majority of these immigration agents involved run consulting business in Hyderabad.

The US Embassy alleges that immigration agents from at least seven different consulting agencies were paid thousands of rupees to provide the aspiring students with fraudulent documents to support their US student visa applications.

The US Embassy also advised upcoming students to be beware of such agents and save your future, Using fraudulent documents can ruin your bright future. Home.

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