Why Study Abroad

Why Study Abroad?

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Most Indian students want to study abroad, After passing senior secondary most of the student’s first approach is to meet a visa consultant and get consultation about studying abroad. Every year lakhs of students fly abroad for education. If you talk about last year’s 1st pandemic wave in 2020; It was 261,406 students flew from India and In 2019 it was 588,931. If you check about 2021 before Feb 28/2021; it was 71,769 As per MEA,India (Ministry of External Affairs). 

Even due to the pandemic students were not stoppable, They just wanted to reach their desired countries by hook or crook. If you consider the past few months, You will see that students have invested 5 times the extra price on their air ticket, which is usually to be for. Students were flying via different routes like Serbia, Dubai, Maldives, and many more via destinations, which were not only increasing their travel time but their cost also. In most of these countries, students were staying in quarantine as well. 

Our question has remained unanswered that why study abroad, When India has the top rating and world renowned colleges/universities including major industries like Business, Medical, IT, Hospitality. Even then students want to study abroad not in India. The reason we have found is that after studying in their home country; Most of the students are unable to get their dream job or dreamed salary. They are not satisfied with their job and living standards. So these students move abroad via study visa. Their dream is not to study abroad but yes to settle abroad. To enhance their living standard and get wages as per their work, They move abroad. 

If you will check the data of last decade of these students, You will acknowledge that more than 80% of these students have not turned back, They have settled abroad, and the ones have come back, They also have the valid reason why they have to come back and most of them are trying again to go back to those countries. 

We believe if governments will start giving the same living standard, facilities and wages to this youth, They will never go abroad. Because leaving our own country, people, and culture is not easy and getting settled in new country, culture, and people also very difficult. Sometimes it takes months/years to get familiar with them. This is our own opinion. Read more Blogs. Follow us for latest updates.

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