Canada Update, Immigration Frauds

Relief For Indian Students

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A Jalandhar based fraud visa agent from Punjab, India will be called to testify for an admissibility hearing of the canada based Indian national students. The consultant has to appear in the upcoming hearing in May. These International students are residing in Canada since 2017 and now facing removal order from Canada. Immigration Frauds

Bit relief for Indian students in Canada, A big decision has been taken by the immigration tribunal for all the international students facing removal order from Canada because of the fake offer letter used by their Jalandhar based visa consultant to get them a study permit. The master mind behind is Brijesh Mishra the owner of EMSA firm based in Jalandhar.

In the petition, The students claimed that they were not aware of the admission letters arranged by Brijesh Mishra is fake. These are students are residing in Canada since 2017, Till date they been very ideal resident of Canada and also completed their study on time and now were on the path to apply for their Canada permanent residence.

Jaswant Mangat, the lawyer of these petitioner put a petition in he immigration tribunal and the same was accepted by the immigration tribunal to give a fair chance to these students to prove their innocence.

A big thanks to Mr Mangat’s rationale and reasoning for calling Brijesh Mishra as a witness and it seems a genuine request to reach a decision in this case.

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