8 Tips To Avoid Study Visa Frauds

8 Tips To Avoid Study Visa Frauds

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8 Tips To Avoid Study Visa Frauds:- Studying abroad is a big step in every students’ lives. It can be do and die situation for most of middle class families. This decision can be more important than buying a house, and life changing event too, so it needs to be a well thought of and as well as researched decision. Immigration Frauds.

Most of the students are the first in their family to study abroad, and their parents are not well aware of the process and procedure. Parents wanting the best for their child and usually fall in scams (not all are scams, most are unethical practices).

The application process in foreign countries is very different from India. In India, we are used to focusing on a single test score or a single entrance exam which can make or break our chances, whereas in these foreign countries we see that these are not focused on just a single exam.

I am listing the major points the students and parents should be aware of,

8 Tips You May Follow To Avoid Immigration Frauds,

  1. Never blind trust in immigration agents.
  2. Always verify the counseling given by your immigration agents.
  3. Never be in hurry to apply for your visa application.
  4. Take your career counseling in writing.
  5. Never pay your immigration agents in cash, Always pay by cheque or account transfer.
  6. Never forget to take your consultancy or any other services paid receipt.
  7. Do verify your immigration agent’s license no. and do take its copy as well.
  8. Keep a record of all your paperwork and conversations.

Your future is your property so, You need to be more cautioned and serious about it. Always do verify everything online at concerned sites, It will increase the chances to avoid frauds/scams.

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