Immigration Frauds

PA/17A/12 Countries Unite To Tackle Immigration Frauds. 

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News Source:- Canada, the United Kingdom (UK) and Australia are united in their efforts to warn prospective visitors and immigrants of the dangers of being misled by unscrupulous immigration agents, government representatives announced at a news conference today.

Representatives from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the UK Border Agency and the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship also sent a clear message to crooked agents that they are working with other countries and with Indian authorities to combat immigration fraud.

Unscrupulous agents have travelled to villages in the Punjab and other parts of India promising fast-track approvals for visas abroad. To avoid being duped – and refused entry into Canada, the UK and Australia – applicants should bear in mind the following:

•Do not be misled by unscrupulous agents into believing that it is acceptable to submit forged documents with your visa application. The application will be refused and you face further investigation by the Indian authorities.

•Do not believe agents who say that they can, in exchange for money, influence how fast applications are processed or the final decision. They cannot. Visa decisions are made only by visa officers authorized by the respective country.

•Do not be fooled by imposters pretending to be visa officers from Embassies. Legitimate visa officers do not meet applicants outside their offices nor do they contact you to ask for money.

•Do not be fooled by fake websites designed to look like official government or service delivery partner websites. Always get your visa information from official websites.

•Do not be duped by a job or visa scam. Many people are being cheated with job offers overseas that do not exist. Stop and think before you hand over your money, passport and personal details. If the job offer sounds too good to be true, it could be a scam. Read More.

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