Canada News

Nova Scotia Sets Immigration Record In 2021

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News Source:- When Rimple Dhunna arrived in Nova Scotia in 2007, he didn’t meet another Indian person for two months. “When I came, there was not a huge community,” Dhunna said. “I could count the Indian families on fingers.” Much has changed since then.

Little more than 1,000 newcomers were settling in Nova Scotia each year, on average, in the early 2000s, but immigration has been on the rise more recently.

There were 7,500 arrivals in 2019, making it a record-setting year. That record was broken again last year. In 2021, 9,020 new permanent residents settled in the province — a statistic the provincial government released this week.

Dhunna said he sees the evidence of that everyday in the growing Indian community in Halifax. He runs a Facebook group for Indian newcomers to the area, which has nearly 16,000 members.

One of the new members to that community is Bhawna Sharma. Originally from Delhi, India, she moved to Halifax with her husband and two young daughters last February. Read More.

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