International Students Removed From Australia Due To Bogus Documents 

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News Source:- Australian visa authorities have ramped up their scrutiny of documentation attached to international student visa applications, with some students getting removed upon landing in Australia,” says a migration agent based in Melbourne.

SBS Punjabi contacted the Department of Home Affairs in this regard, which confirmed that the provision of incorrect information or bogus documents is one of the most common reasons for student visa cancellations.

“Those students whose visas were cancelled and were not willing to depart voluntarily were subject to detention and removed from Australia,” the statement reads.

  • “Visa authorities have increased scrutiny on the student visa applications,” says a migration agent.
  • Some international students have been deported back immediately after landing at Australian airports.
  • Fraudulent applicants, as well as their immediate family members, are barred from applying for any visa in Australia for three years.

Data provided by Australian Border Security Force shows the total number of students removed from immigration detention in the financial year 2020-21 was 154, of which nine were from India.

By comparison, for the current year up to 31 January only, the total number of student visa cancellations is already at 119, of which 29 are from India.

The visa cancellations under subclass s109 were less than five for Indian nationals over the whole 2020-21, whereas it has already touched six cancellations for the 2021-22 period as of 31 January. Read More.

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